Champion for Success offers educational programs online or at schools and organizations. Our offerings help to develop financial literacy, personal accountability, positive self-worth, and that encourage community involvement.

Champion for Success offers educational programs online or at schools and organizations. Our offerings help to develop financial literacy, personal accountability, positive self-worth, and that encourage community involvement. Our new teaching facility in Montana being renovated and will offer additional programs in 2021.
1 out of 5 Teenage Students Lack Basic Financial Literacy Skills
“It’s clear that we need a better national strategy to teach youth…we need to have a clear set of standards for providing well-thought-out financial education that is relevant and establishes positive behaviors. Additionally, we need to continue to train educators to effectively deliver financial education and ensure that we are meeting the needs of Americans from all socio-economic backgrounds.”
—Billy Hensley, Ph.D., senior director of education with the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)

“It’s clear that we need a better national strategy to teach youth…we need to have a clear set of standards for providing well-thought-out financial education that is relevant and establishes positive behaviors. Additionally, we need to continue to train educators to effectively deliver financial education and ensure that we are meeting the needs of Americans from all socio-economic backgrounds.”
—Billy Hensley, Ph.D., senior director of education with the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)