Champion for Success Programs
Financial Literacy

In conjunction with Champion College Solutions, Champion for Success has taken a proactive role in financial literacy education by teaching classes in high schools to educate kids on financial basics. This endeavor is backed by the three decades of experience where Champion has successfully mentored over 3 million people on student loan repayment and other financial skills.
Champion help your students get smart about basic life skills. Our FREE 90-minute presentation, Financial Literacy 101, is taught at your school and in your classroom. In this short session, your students will quickly learn about many basic skills.
We can customize our Financial Literacy presentations to fit your instructional goals.
Champion Empowerment

Champion Empowerment Institute is one of our content partners that offers online resources to empower and support young adults. Subjects include defining success, making realistic goals, time management, banking basics, financial planning, and other practical skills.
Currently, Champion for Success teaches Champion Empowerment Institute’s “Financial Literacy 101” course in high schools and to tribal organizations. Independently, Champion Empowerment offers life success tools to subscribers.
Camp Champion

Camp Champion, a Montana 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, has purchased and is renovating our facilities at a beautiful location in Somers, Montana, that overlooks some of the most iconic locations in the United States. Opening in 2021, this special camp will offer experiential mentoring, personal improvement programs.
Camp Champion’s goal is to provide programs that build self-esteem through individual and group experiences that empower each person to find their champion within and have a clearer understanding of their life direction.
Camp Champion has developed strategic partnerships with leading programs that offer high success rates that promote honorable behavior, self-accountability, positive self-worth, and beneficial community involvement.